Crafting the brand story for a multi-faceted coach

previous project

channeling passion and drive into effective strategy 

I love working with passionate people.  The inherent commitment to excellence, the excitement within each meeting, the attention to every detail - Heidi Hauer, a holistic health and leadership coach, had this and more. 

Ranging from group and individual coaching, a book, a podcast, and downloadable resources, Heidi's offer covers a broad spectrum.  To tighten the brand story, we started with the customer to truly understand who we were talking to and what mattered to them.  We then found the overlaps between their needs and Heidi's offer, focusing our message on the resonating themes. 

With a brand design that followed, Heidi is ready to go with a foundational brand strategy and updated visual identity, ready to take on all of her projects! 

Brand audit
Brand strategy

services provided

  • Brand audit
  • Brand strategy
  • Copywriting of brand story

How do we tell a streamlined story when we have so much to share? 

We were beginning with a lot of content and a variety of services that Heidi offers, each with a slightly different style and target.  We had to find a compelling and cohesive story that helped customers instantly understand what Heidi does and who she does it for.   

the challenge

...which was followed by a brand strategy...


the process

We began with a brand audit

I first spent time reviewing Heidi's current brand and marketing efforts.  As a fresh pair of eyes, I looked at how her brand was being perceived.  Who was it speaking to?  Was it clear?  I compiled my findings and provided recommended next steps, allowing an opportunity to see how I worked and what the options were before further commitment.  


Including customer and competitor research, mission/values/purpose, positioning, messaging hierarchy and more, we laid the fundamentals using a series of 3 workshops for collaboration and brainstorm.

...that inspired the brand design.


After the development of a design brief, Heidi worked with a designer from her own network to bring the visual expression of our brand strategy to life.  With brand guidelines and updated assets in hand, I updated the brand strategy documents so she has a cohesive and comprehensive representation of her brand strategy and design.

To learn more about Heidi's work:

"The sessions with Emily are gold!

- heidi hauer, health & leadership coach

She effortlessly combines professionalism and competence with deep insight, empathy and creativity. She drew my attention to valuable elements of my services that I hadn’t seen. Her precise way of asking questions and her interest in diving deep into the world of my dream clients brought about a level of clarity that I knew I had within me but struggled to articulate on my own."

Let's craft your brand story